Amount Blog

Womxn Wednesday: Meet Nadia Ferrer

Written by Womxn of Amount | Nov 4, 2020 1:35:47 AM

There’s power behind empowerment. 


At Amount we believe in fueling our team’s passion and momentum by ensuring they’re recognized for the incredible work that they are doing both for the business and in their personal lives.


That’s why we created Womxn Wednesday: a spotlight of the brilliant womxn at Amount, meant to showcase the fervent individuals behind our daily success.


With that, meet one of Amount’s talented womxn, Nadia Ferrer.


Introducing, Nadia.


What’s your favorite thing about working at Amount?

I love how welcoming and down to earth everyone on the Amount team is!


What are you most proud of in your career thus far? Why?

I’m proud of getting the opportunity to work in FinTech, and seeing the impact it continues to have.


How do you “fill your cup”?

I get my energy and peace from spending time with God every morning!


What advice would you give your younger self?

Goals are important, but prioritize enjoying your life and creating lasting memories along the way.


What womxn inspires you and why?

Kamala Harris. She’s fierce, yet respectful. Confident, but a listener. I admire these qualities about her.