Amount Blog

Womxn Wednesday: Meet Anne Waala

Written by Womxn of Amount | Oct 21, 2020 5:00:00 AM

There’s power behind empowerment. 


At Amount we believe in fueling our team’s passion and momentum by ensuring they’re recognized for the incredible work that they are doing both for the business and in their personal lives.


That’s why we created Womxn Wednesday: a spotlight of the brilliant womxn at Amount, meant to showcase the fervent individuals behind our daily success.


With that, meet one of Amount’s talented womxn, Anne Waala.


Introducing, Anne.



What role do you play on the Amount team?

I’m a BSA/AML Coordinator on the AML Investigations team.


What’s your favorite thing about working at Amount?

The culture is great, the work is interesting and challenging, but the best thing about the job is working with my awesome team!


What are you most proud of in your career thus far? Why?

I’m really proud of making the leap into a completely different field at Amount – previously I worked in academic libraries and in advertising. Bringing a fresh perspective to the team and having my ideas valued and implemented to make our processes better has been very rewarding. 


How do you “fill your cup”?

I meditate, take walks, play with my cats Rocket and Nico, read, and play Animal Crossing to relax and break out of work mode at the end of the day.


What advice would you give your younger self?

Do your best, be a little better every day, but remember the perfect is the enemy of good. Be patient with yourself.


What womxn inspires you and why?

That’s such a tough question, there are so many! I’ll keep it simple and say the late and great Ruth Bader Ginsburg, because the way I live my life and my career would not be possible without her.